Anna Cook
Typed and edited by Rev. Dianne (Schrader) Picton
her Granddaughter
Anna (Peters) Cook
In this June of 1977 while I - still of sound mind I will write the story of my life.
I was born on a farm about two miles from Magnet, Nebraska. Our address, however, was Randolph. Born on March 23, 1895, 1 was a large baby though they didn't weigh me.
My parents started out on a 160 acre rented farm. They had one white sow who produced nine pigs and one cow who had a calf that year. The little pigs were so fat from all that skim milk.
After living there a few years they bought a 160 acre farm one mile from Wausa where I went to my first country school. It was a Swedish community and all the pupils and the teacher talked Swedish at recess. I was taught German at home; so you can imagine how confused I was with hearing three languages every day. I had a friend across the road, a Swedish girl my age, whose name was Lily Pearson. We walked to school together even if our languages were different.
After one year, partly because of the language differences, Dad sold the farm and bought another three and a half miles south of Bloomfield. That was a 480 acre farm with good soil, running water, and good pastures. I went to school which was one and a half miles south and west of our farm. John Lowins live there now. My teacher was Jenny Shelady who boarded with us and then Hannah Jurgensen. My school mates were Ed and Dora Soost, the children of Gus Eisenhauer, the Brunsons, two Buskohis, and Louie Hilgemeier. Two children would walk to near neighbors (Kettelsens) for a pail of drinking water each day. As soon as my brother, August, was five he also went to school. He loved to go for water as Grandma Kettelsen had a keg of gingersnaps that she would treat them with.
Dad hired three men in summer and mother had very much work there. She cooked for five children, three men, dad, and herself and also milked cows and gardened. We lived there until I was almost twelve years old.
In 1906 or 1907 Dad had an offer to sell the farm to a prize fighter, a Mr. Joe Stacker. He was paid spot cash for all as the man wanted to invest his money. He got $100.00 per acre. So we moved to town.
I still remember that first day of March when we moved with horse power. We children rode on top of a load of hay with some articles that were breakable. My youngest sister, Volena, was a year old. She crawled on the porch until Dad got the key from a neighbor. This house still stands and is owned by Alma Kopetke who lives there. Our neighbors to the south were Ed Prescotte who had three children. I remember Mrs. Prescott gave us hot supper the night we moved in. Another neighbor across the street was Rudolph Gabler, a veterinarian. They had three children also. Two still live in the same neighborhood, Louise Shane and Mildred Hansen. The boy, Rudolph passed on and so did Mildred in 1977.
Moving to town was quite a change for me. It was a bigger school and all strange pupils. We had hardly ever been away from our farm.
A neighbor took us to Sunday School at the old Congregational Church. Then in 1907 St Mark's Lutheran Church was built. Dad joined there and was one of the first members. Each of the first 50 pledged $100 to start the church. The first minister was Frederick Rabe. It was organized March 18, 1906 as Deuche Ev. Lutheran Dreifalkeits Kirche" and dedicated February 7, 1907. All the services were in German as was Sunday School and Confirmation school. The confirmands went to school for nine months. First we learned the German and then were instructed until Palm Sunday. We were confirmed at about 14 years of age. I was 14 on March 23 and Palm Sunday was March 20. Our class was large, 29 members. We had questioning the Sunday before. All wore black for the service and on Confirmation day the girls wore white dresses and the boys wore suits and ties like men. We learned much from Luther's Small Catechism. The school was in the basement of our church as were Sunday School classes then. I remained a Lutheran all my life; the 20 years in California I attended the Lutheran Church there also.
I lost a year of high school because of taking a year out for confirmation and was put back a year when I started school in town. So I didn't graduate until 1914.
We lived in the house (Alma Kopetke's) only two years because the house was too small for seven. Dad bought the house near the depot then. It was a large house with 80 acres of ground. It was a lovely home, and I lived there until I was married on December 30, 1914. The house still stands in the north part of town on the east side of the road. Rudy Nielsens live there now.
I was the eldest of five children, all girls except August who was two years younger than I. Rose was five years younger than I and Lillian eight years younger than I. My youngest sister, Volena, was ten years younger than I. About the only fun we had was going to dances. We had a few shows that came to town. Both took place at the Pospesil Theater which was large and nice for its' day. It still stands in good condition and belongs to Mrs. Murphy.
At one dance I met my husband, August Cook. I was 17 years old then. I thought him so handsome and admired him such. We dated two years and then married. We were very much in love. We had our choice. Dad said he would foot the bill for a big church wedding or if we would sooner he would give us a private wedding in our home plus $200 in cash. We chose the later. We were married by our minister in our parlor. My brother and Sophie Gerdau were our witnesses. Mother had a nice dinner for us and I remember Dad toasted our future with a glass of wine, "Virginia Dare". Since we lived near the depot we walked to the train in a light snow. We went to Sioux City for a weeks honeymoon. We stayed at a hotel saw shows; it was nice.
When we returned home by train it had snowed very such, and we were almost snowbound. Ernest, my brother-in-law, took us out home by sled. We lived with August's folks until March 1 when we moved into our first home.
The farm was three and a half miles N.E. of town; we rented it from Dad. I had so such to learn; all I had done so far was go to school. But the folks saw to it that I had learned to sew in Keister Sewing School. I even sewed my wedding dress. It was Alice blue Crepede-shiene. I had learned to cook from Mother. Being the oldest of five I had learned such responsibility, could garden and do all housework.
The first year I planted a big garden and then learned all August would eat out of it were tomatoes, cucumbers and potatoes. In later years he did learn to eat vegetables.
Our first child, Marjory, was born September 28, 1915. What a joy she was. She was so bright and beautiful and both of us adored her.
Then 21 months later Paul was born on July 15, 1917. We were so proud of our first son. He was so good even tempered, lovable, and generous. He was white-haired when small, but it was brown later, and he had lighter brown eyes than Marge. He had fair skin and was so good natured.
When he was 16 months we took him to the baby clinic at the Knox County fair in September. There he caught the flu (Swine flu). That fair spread the disease all over. So many had it and many adults died of it. Three in one family died. I got it from Paul, but Marge never caught it. August had it very lightly. The Dr. made him stay in bed three days. Paul had bronchial pneumonia and was very sick. He got so weak that when he got well he had to learn to walk all over again
Then I got it and almost died. I had pneumonia also. We got a lady to come care for us. We phoned Mother in California and she came by train. I was so low nothing mattered; but when I knew Mother was coming I wanted to get well. The snow was so deep the only way Dr. Kohler (lady doctor) could get around to patients was by horseback. She had a driver and horses, but the snow was too deep and there were so many sick. When Mother came Mrs. Hershey went home. My fever went to 107 degrees and I had deep cracks on my lips. My room was so cold with the windows open in winter. Mom wore a sweater when she was in there. The kiddies stayed in the kitchen where it was warm. Through this I was pregnant with Ruby-five months or so.
August did what he could and whatever Mon asked him to. He brought fuel in and the ashes out. When I was over it August bought half of beef so Mom could cook good soups, good meals, et. to build me up. I couldn't walk either at first and was so thin and weak. Mother was very busy, but we survived. Think family prayers were answered.
Our neighbors, Bill and Emma Steffan were good help. He chored while August was in bed. Emma did washing a few times until Mom came.
Mother stayed until I was strong enough to do the work again. I didn't go outside. I had a spot on my left lung afterwards and had to wear a sort of sleeveless jacket padded with cotton over the left lung. I made baby clothes for the baby as there were no baby showers then and no one gave me any pieces either.
Ruby was born on February 7, 1919. She was full term but looked like a premie because of the flu. We never weighed her as she was so tiny I didn't want to know. I think she would fit into a shoe box with a head no bigger than a large cup. But she had a strong heart. The Dr. came after Ruby did, and I heard her talk with Grandma Cook who was there. The Dr. said because of strong heart she had a chance. Well, she gained weight steadily. She had brown hair, short, but had a nice amount on top to brush to one side. She also had brown eyes. By the time she was six months old she was a normal child.
August's mother, Lena Cook, lived with her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Utecht after her husband passed away. Rose and Grandma had a fallout so she wanted to move away from there. She asked us both if she could live with us then. She lived with us for about six months. She was quite well but at last had problems health wise. She died of a blood tumor which Dr. told her not to have operated on. She was 76 years old. We got along well; she tried to be as little trouble as possible. She passed away just before Christmas in 1918. She was bedfast for only a short time. The funeral was December 26 from our house.
Grandma Cook was a good Christian lady who as a pioneer had a hard life. She raised nine children, six boys and three daughters. She cared for her husband the last six years after his stroke. Grandpa Cook died in Bloomfield where they both lived alone for awhile.
We bought the farm 3 and a half miles northeast of town from my Dad for $125 an acre. That 160 acres is one of the best farms in Knox County. We lived there until August's death and then three more years alone. The children went to country school to the eighth grade. It was one and a 3/4 mile walk. For quite a few years they drove a horse and cart to school. One horse died and then they drove another gray one. Our dog followed, laid outside, waited, and then followed the rig home. He went regularly and people asked what grade HE was in. I worried though when it stormed or snowed. They had all childhood diseases and had vaccinations for a few.
Paul had one arm broken near the elbow, and Dr. Kobler who was a good doctor had us exercise it. It hurt him terribly, but August did it every day. He has a good arm now. I would not have had the nerve to do it when he screamed. He was about six years old then.
The children had whooping cough one spring. It is hard to watch and listen to those bad coughing spells.
One July 4th to get away I went with Chas and Kate Cook on a picnic for the day, Sunday. August stayed with the three.
Those were our best years. The crops were good. We never went many places though. Just to shop on Saturday night and Sunday School and church on Sunday. We went regularly; as we thought it was so important.
We had a very good minister for about nine years, Dr. Martin Schroeder. He was a very good influence on our family. We owe him a lot. He was very good with young people and a good teacher.
Five years later our second son was born on March 26, 1924. It was a spring day and the mud was so deep the Dr. could not get to us. A neighbor with a wagon brought him, but it was too late. Mrs. Pete Berner was my Dr. Martin weighed 10 pounds. He was a good baby as all of them were. Dora Berner helped out for ten days.
We farmed with mules. We had one old mare, Lady, who was mother of them all, six I think, one each year. August was a good farmer who worked very hard, was saving. and very honest. He was one of the first farmers who had a two row cultivator. It saved on the salary for a hired man.
Our youngest child, Lois, was born on September 20, 1928. She weighed eight pounds and was a beautiful baby. All of us enjoyed her as she grew up. She had brown eyes and curls and never gave us any trouble.
We ave all five a high school graduation; plus all were confirmed . August was a good church member and saw to it that we attended church and the children their Sunday School and Luther League.
The depression years were very hard on us as on everyone else. For seven years we didn't have a crop because of drought and dust storms. It was so very hot in summer that we couldn't sleep indoors and we even put mattresses on the lawn at night to sleep. Wells went dry, and we had to dig a deeper one. The depression years were 1929-1935. One year we only snapped the corn and used husks for bedding. We cut Russian thistles for hay, but that was a poor idea. We had hardly any garden crop. One year the grasshoppers were so bad they even ate the potato vines into the ground and the tops of the onions. We had a hollow where there had been springs underground before. We always planted our potatoes there and never had a failure. We always had enough for our use. We gave some to the minister to help pay for what he did for us.
Our well in the pasture went dry. August had pounded a nail into his knee accidently, and he could not chore as it looked so bad. Marge and I dug an old well deeper. She went into the hole with a bucket on a rope and I pulled it up and dumped it. We succeeded. We put a hand pump down and pumped water for cattle. It was not too deep, but we used it for years. Later we had a well dug. When that went dry Wilson Bros. dug a deep well in our house yard, and we had a cistern for pressure. We could fill the tank for livestock. We had a pitcher pump in our kitchen and a sink for dishes etc.
Most farmers lost their farms their farms since they could not pay tax and interest. So did we. But the government under Roosevelt allowed us two years crops free without paying either. It helped us recover, but we rented after that.
Because of the short pasture the cattle grazed into the ground almost. The disease anthrax broke out. The birds carried it too. Our cattle, three cows and a bull, died of it. It was a germ disease. August and Paul skinned the first animals not knowing they had died of anthrax. August had a pimple on his wrist where the germs got in, and he got that terrible disease. He went to the Dr. who lanced what looked like a terrible boil. That put it right in the blood system. Dr. Nielson worked very hard to help him. He gave up a lot of his patients and came out often. He phoned for serum to combat it. It was flown in from long distances as it was so scarce. It was an almost unheard of disease. Dr. Taylor would drive at night and pick it up in Sioux City or Minneapolis. He was so helpful. Dr. Nielson would bring it out and put it into a vein. His arm was swelled up like the leg of an animal with blackleg with purple blotches all over it. He had a pillow under it. We had a trained nurse who slept on a cot in the parlor next to his bedroom.
Paul also caught it but only in his lymph glands. He had a bed in the parlor where the nurse could treat both or them. Paul never lost his appetite, but August ate 0.
It didn't take long; the disease went fast. I don't remember just how long, and one night it had gone up to his throat. It could be over in the morning. but the vaccine stopped it. He lived.
Paul also got better. He had to take vaccine like they gave to the cattle; so he got cow pox. The serum came in long, thin tubes. The soles of his feet were hard and calloused so the pox could not get through. That was the worst of his trouble. Otherwise they came out all over his body. He had to stay in bed, but he got over it well. It never had any bad effects.
That time seems like a bad dream now. We were so frightened. The only neighbors who came to help were Berners. Fred came over every morning with a load of water in a tank and put it in a tank for cows. Other neighbors didn't come near for they were afraid of carrying the disease home. One neighbor, Ignatz Grothe, wore high overshoes and left them by the fence.
Marge was teaching our school for her first year. The school district hired a substitute teacher which was ridiculous. The Dr. said she could not have carried the disease to the pupils. She lost her salary for six weeks at least.
It must have been in August for I know I baked apple pies every day and fried spring chickens. We had potatoes, and all I did was cook and sterilize. We had to sterilize every dish. The girls did the milking. separating, and all the chores. My brother August called every morning; then he brought out medicine and any items I needed and charged them. All of us prayed a lot and so did others. The Sunday School Superintendent and all prayed one Sunday. It was a time I'll never forget. God was good and both got well.
Where that carbuncle had been it left a deep depression in his wrist. One could see the nerves and blood vessels. We had to pour peroxide in it every morning and dress it. It healed slowly; but it did eventually and he could use his arm again. All that serum riddled his kidneys. He only lived eight more years. He did his farming again.
Another result of Marge's teaching was that Martin had to go to town school that year. He was in the fourth grade. The older two drove a car to school and back, so he went along. The Dr. thought it better not to go to his sister's school.
When August got well again tines were better and the crops were too. For ten years there was no drought. After August recovered we had some happy years. In that period Marge married Lyle and left.
Paul entered college at Wayne. Those were depression years and he worked his way through with very little help from home. He hitch-hiked back and forth on weekends. I cooked food to send back with him and also did his laundry. He and two other boys rented a basement apartment and did their own cooking. He did odd jobs when he could. He made it and that was the biggest help for his future. He went to Murdo, South Dakota one year to help out my father on a ranch.
Ruby left next. She graduated in 1940. The last year of high school she worked for her board and room at Pastor's Schroeder's home. The depression was so bad. We could not give her any frills just the bare necessities to graduate. Then she got a school and was on her own. She taught school four years. She and- Rick were married on June 2, 1940. They bought a farm and lived about 13 miles south west of Bloomfield.
In 1940 August had very high blood pressure and went to Dr. Kotz for a check-up. He was not very true to his profession. At that time he drank heavily and I blame that on his not telling August he had high blood pressure. He treated him for asthma which he never had. He put him to bed. But we were worried so called in Dr. Carrig. He was very angry when he examined him. He told us it was not asthma and to go to Sioux City hospital immediately. He took him and me the next morning. August almost had a stroke on the way down. He was lying in the back seat.
The first thing they did when he was in his hospital bed was take out a pint of blood. That prevented a stroke. The Dr. just threw up his hands when he had taken the blood pressure. We had a very good Dr. and the nurses were wonderful. We had nurses 24 hours a day. He got over all that, but his kidneys- were riddled from the effects of all that serum. The Dr. said he had never seen such kidneys, like a sieve. He suffered a lot. I stayed there those last three weeks. I slept on a cot in his room and ate at a small cafe across from the hospital. His heart was so strong. He lived a day and night after the Dr. said he could die.
My brother and wife lived 25 miles away and they came so often and every day the last week. Paul came by once on the way to Wayne. Marge, Lyle, and Dianne came one day. August was so fond of that baby. It was his best day at the hospital. Too bad he couldn't lived longer to enjoy the 14 1 have now beside the great grandchildren. He would have adored them all.
Martin and Lois took care of chores at home. Ada Cook sent Fern over for a week to help Lois with cooking etc. The Anderson boys were very helpful for Mart. Our water works froze, and they helped him dig out and thaw the pipes. It was cold weather.
August and Beth stayed up with me the whole night before he died. He wanted me to stand beside his bed; I held his hand for 24 hours. My feet and legs were just swelled up terribly, but I never thought about them until later. They stayed with me until it was all over. He died peacefully; just took three deep breaths and was gone.
August was in the hospital for three weeks before he died. It was such a shame he had those riddled kidneys; he had such a strong, big body. He was only 51 years old. He died March 3,1941 and the funeral was March 6.
I rode home in the ambulance in front with the driver to our home. In those days the body lay-in-state at home for three days. Neighbors sat up nights. Berners were most helpful. Roy Wegner and Grothe came too. Usually the women made coffee and served lunch at midnight.
The day of the funeral my folks were there -also most of August's brothers and two sisters. The roads were very muddy and a neighbor used his tractor to pull cars up a steep hill the mud was so deep. The roads were not even graveled in those days. It was nice overhead. It was a very big funeral and a sad day for all of us. Rev. Rhode was our minister. The choir sang Nearer My God to Thee and one other. Elizabeth Reins was our organist. At that time there was no coffee after, and we just came home.
My parents came down from Murdo, South Dakota which was a comfort. Many relatives and friends came too. We had a late lunch at home; there was so much food brought in. Cousin, Irene Soost, stayed night and slept with me. It was a help. My folks left the next day as they were worried about their stock on their 1700 acre ranch. John Peters was there while they were gone.
It was hardest for Martin and Lois who were 17 and 12 years old. Mart was still in school until May and Paul was at Wayne. Lois finished the eighth grade in country school.
August would not let Martin do field work so he just did chores. He did help with hay and shocked some oats. So when August passed away Martin was not prepared to farm and he had much to learn. We rented the farm again, but Paul left to work for college money so that summer we three were alone. Rick asked Carl Busch to come and help us out. I had 11 red brood sows to care for besides cattle and plowing. We ware feeding eight steers of our own at that time. Carl was good help and did work well.
One more trouble arose when Paul came home with the mumps. He had them hard at his age; then Carl caught it and was in bed too. Martin also got it a little later.
We had 400 baby chickens at the same time and it snowed. Lois helped, but she was also in eighth grade in school. Then Lois got the mumps, but she wasn't very sick. She had the radio in front of her bed. Luckily all got well. Don't know how I was able to cope, but know I had help, answer to prayers.
After Mart was thru High School we let Carl go. Dr. thought we should. Those fat steers paid our funeral expenses. They were not so high either at that time. We had no insurance whatever. Now we were really on our own.
Keeping so busy and working in my garden were the best thing for me. I didn't have time to feel sorry for myself. When night came I was just dead to the world.
We farmed alone for three years. Two of them we hailed out We also had a tornado go through. It took out fences, and the chicken house. It scattered wood and chickens clear across the oat field which was also damaged. We only had a few hens left who roosted in the trees. Some had no feathers on, but we did have eggs to eat. My brooder house was twisted around a huge tree trunk which saved it with the chicks in it We didn't loose them so we had hens and meat for the next year.
Paul got a school near Crofton, but WWII broke out and he was drafted. His number was drawn out of the fish bowl. The first fifty were drafted that way. He was in the Medical Core and sent to New Guinea and the Philippines . He spent three and a half years there until peace was declared. He was in a large hospital, one of the two on that island. Those were anxious years (1942-1946) and seemed so long.
Mart stayed and helped on the farm. If he had not had this responsibility, he could have gone to college. His life might have been much different, but he did all he could for Lois and me. He worked hard and was a very good son.
After Mart got married at 19, Lois and I thought we should quit and go to California. The folks and my three sisters lived there. I was so thin and tired out after our sale on January 6, 1944.
The sale didn't bring much as I let Mart have my tractor, some sows, etc. on time. How else could he start to farm? It was a cold, blustery day; but we had a pretty good crowd. Lyle was very good help lining things up and also helped with bidding at the sale. It was hard to sell all I had ever owned. My hens were my friends and the animals too, Lois and I packed four suitcases with clothes and that was all we took to California.
As Lois' school wasn't out until May 18 or so I stayed with Ruby and Rick awhile. Lois finished grade 11 and had her Jr.Sr. banquet. I remember she played a trombone solo.
I was with Ruby when Ron was born. I crocheted him booties and helped sew; it was fun.
The Sunday after Lois' school closed was our farewell day at Ruby's. We went to church and out to Ruby's for dinner. Mart and family came and also Marge and Lyle and family. We had a lovely dinner and took snap shots. We had a good visit, but it was sad for us. Little Ron and Dennis were three months old.
The next morning Mr. John Clements came for us two and our four suitcases and took us to the Norfolk depot ($5.00). I didn't want Rick to take time off; he was planting corn. We went by bus to Columbus; where we took the train to Los Angeles.
A sister, Rose, got us at the depot and took us to the folk's home in Alhambra, California. That was our home. Mother said I needed some rest so I stayed and rested and ate for a month.
Lois got a job in a drug store in Pasadena, Owl Drugs, and worked until school started in September. She went by bus back and forth. Lois was very trustworthy; they even left her open up and sign for deliveries in the mornings. She kept her job, learned a lot about working and people there.
Lois was independent after she graduated from high school the next year; she bought her clothes. I felt sorry for her in an all new life, clicky kids, and with grandparents. I was working. Her graduation exercises were held in the Hollywood Bowl
My sisters were good to us two. They took us to see many places; beauty spots and shows on our weekends. We learned how to get around on the busses on our own. I'm afraid Lois didn't have much fun though.
On Sat. she did her washing and ironing, helped Mom with cleaning too. One Saturday she left her washing on the line overnight and many things were stolen. They took bras, dresses, slips and left what wasn't so valuable. I replaced them for her.
Lois used mother's second bedroom. She painted it pink including the woodwork. She got herself a tall metal wardrobe and painted that pink.
Mom had twin beds in her room and I slept in one. We had the best visits; sometimes it was two a.m. before we quit talking. She was such a good, sweet mother; unselfish and always helping her four girls in some way. She was loved by her neighbors. She had two bosom friends, ladies of her own age. Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Deleau and mother met every two weeks. They had lunch and visited changing places. A neighbor took her to church every Sunday and. she hardly missed.
My first job was with Mrs. Walter Alderson. He was a Burrough's man and worked in the city. She was an invalid in a wheelchair. She had had a cyst removed from her spine near her neck, and the Dr. cut too deep. It paralyzed her right side. All I did there was take complete care of her. She was helpless. I learned to pivot her and get her into a wheel chair alone. I gave her meals, took her to the backyard, and all over in her chair until he came home. They had a lady come in at 4 p.m. and cook dinner by six. After dishes were done she left for her home. Sophie and I became good friends. Saturday noon Mr. Alderson took me over to Mom's and got me back again Sunday eve at bedtime. I stayed there about a year and gave notice. That year was hard. It was such a change; it was a new way of life. She was a demanding lady too. I lost twenty pounds that year. My salary was $100 a month; later it was $125 a month and room and board.
Two weeks after giving notice I went to Bloomfield for a vacation. While I was there Lois graduated. Mom and my sisters had a little party for her.
I had a wonderful time for two weeks or more in Nebraska. Then back to California by bus. I got my next job on my own. I saw three job offers I thought I would like in the paper. I took the bus to Los Angeles and phoned to the first one. They asked me some questions and then asked me to take a certain bus to Taggert Apts. and ask for Mrs. Masters. She took me to the fifth floor where an old couple lived. They interviewed me. Then they said, "We will try it for a month", and you can start next Monday. My salary was $125 a month and a raise every three months.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schnermacher were a lovely old couple, short of stature, kind, and not hard to please. My duty was mostly to be with them; I lived in. I cooked our light breakfast and dinner, and for evening we just had a canned soup, toast, and cookie and fruit of some kind. We had our laundry done and delivered. We had a white linen cloth and napkins every day. A colored cleaning lady came in once a week. It was so easy and pleasant to live there. We could order any food and it was delivered. The mail came and Mrs. Masters brought ours up every day. She managed the apartments.
Mrs. was a dear only she could not remember very long. She just sat on her little red chair, comfy one, and read the paper a lot. She would read a page or two and turn it over and it was all new to her again. She ate toasted raisin bread, butter, and coffee at 10 a.m. He would talk to her for her amusement of long ago. He had been a lawyer in St. Louis for many years. They retired to Los Angeles and lived on for thirty years. He was a very interesting man.
They had one daughter Stella Rabe. She and her husband owned a sixty acre orange grove near Redlands. We had all the fresh fruit we could eat from their ranch. It was far for Stella to come to visit often; so she wanted us to move to Redlands where she could look in on them easier. So at first we lived et an Inn-W. Inn. We had two rooms, one theirs and one mine. We took all our meals at the Inn. Many people had small houses around the Inn and many had apartments in the large Inn. They had a large kitchen and dining room there. We could order like in a cafe. It was an easy way to live. We three had our own table and waitress there. He entertained her; I just had to see that she dressed properly. I took her arm. saw to it that she didn't leave her glasses or came home. After dinner she went to bed and I could walk or go as I wished. About five we got ready to go eat again. I walked many miles on different walks and out along the orange groves. I saw all those pretty homes and so many flowers.
While I was there I received a phone call telling me of my father's passing. He had a heart attack one morning about ten; 30 minutes later he was gone. Such a shock but was his wish to die like that. Dad was a kind, Christian man who loved us all very much. Martin Peters was born February 1873 at Pellworm, Germany. He was 75 when he passed away, September 14, 1946.
It was wartime then; so they could not rent a house. Finally they found one, and we moved in. It was a seven room house in Redlands. We were alone and liked it better. I just cooked again and had the rest done. Had a gardener. I crocheted a lot; made an entire pineapple pattern tablecloth there. I made one each p.m. while I sat with her. She just wanted me to sit near; no talk. Stella shopped and brought groceries and fruit-came about one hour a day. I was with them until they died there.
Every other weekend I went by bus to Alhambra to spend two days with Mother. I left on Saturday noon and got back Monday noon. Mother and I looked forward to those weekends. We went to AIhambra church, a neighbor picked us up. We saw my sisters then; they planned outings for us too. Mother and I were very close. Our lives had been much alike previously.
The old folks hired a trained nurse to care for them the two days I was gone. They were always glad when I got back as they didn't like her cooking.
They both passed away in May, 1950 just six months apart. He first; then she went to sleep and passed in her sleep. She had been in bed three weeks and had no pain. She just lived on egg-nogs or ice-cream for she loved both. She had a lady come in and help the last weeks.
After that Stella gave me *50 to leave the house ship shape which was easy; as it never got out of order much. Then she took me to the bus for L.A. She gave me a big hug, kiss, and $500. I caught the Greyhound bus in L.A. and left for Bloomfield and a long rest. I put $200 in savings and spent $300. I stayed with the children and rested and enjoyed life.
I went back to California in November and after awhile with Mother; I answered an ad. A Chester Johnson wanted a lady to live in and care for his wife. She had had a broken hip, but it was healed. She was in bed. She didn't know it, but she had Parkinson's Disease. I just cared for her; a colored lady cooked and kept house It was a beautiful, large home. It had a winding staircase like in the movies. She watched T.V. until late at night as she couldn't sleep. After four months they decided to move to the desert for health. They took the colored lady along. I was there November 12, to March 15, 1951.
I went to Mom's and a lady came and asked me to come care for her mother who had an operation for varicose veins. I had to bandage all, wash, and rebandage. She was a Jewish lady whose eon was a movie producer in Hollywood. It was a new experience. She lived in an apartment in a large apartment house. There were twelve apartments and all had Jewish tenants. Jews are very clannish and so good to anyone who is ill. They came to visit, brought food, called and called. I didn't have to cook much as there was more brought in than we could eat. I learned how they cook and what they like. They were very good to me. I stayed there six weeks until she could get along alone. That was in March and her name was Mrs. Frantzman.
Then a friend asked me if I'd work with her as assistant cook for a Campfire Girl's Camp at Metaka near Wrightwood, Ca. I did. Wages were $150 per week for five weeks. That was another different experience with life high in the mountains at camp.
Every Monday morning huge busses brought girls up for one week. We had 100 to cook for each day. All were so happy, healthy and lively. It was well organized. There were eight counselors, (college girls) responsible for 100 girls. There were eight cabins and eight tables in the dining room. We never had 100 come in for a meal once. There was so much food. Between the kitchen and the dining room we put a wide board down and put eight of each kind of food on it. Each table had one monitor who came up and got the food for their table.
For breakfast there were all kinds of cereals and eight pitchers of milk and fresh fruit. The noon meals were usually "out" hiking or riding. They took lunches which the counselors prepared and took along. Then about five they had a good hot meal. We made eight huge casseroles and they all drank milk again. They had fruit for desert.
On Sunday we served ham and a huge cream puff for desert. We had scalloped potatoes too. We made a large jar of Kool Aid (20 gallon) on the porch to serve anyone. The parents came up on Sunday to visit.
The kids washed their own dishes and put into the cupboards. We only had to put eight dish pans of soapy water on the board. They also set the tables.
We washed pots and pans only. We had a very large, old, black stove. We made salads in eight big dish pans, one for each table for the 5:00 meal. I made those-used my hand to mix. We had huge plates of bread too. Sometimes we made toast for breakfast. We just laid slices on top of that huge stove and watched. There was a platter for each table. The truck came up daily with bread or fresh fruit-melons often.
Clara Mathis was my cook there. We were both very busy, but it was fun too. I rang the bell when we were ready.
They had a dispensary with a trained nurse in it for injuries, but mostly the only ones there were just homesick. We three ate together. Mornings it was so wonderful as we saw the sun rise over the mountains. It was so still deer came up close looking for bits of food. Badgers came and ate our garbage. Clara and I got up real early (four) and ate our leisurely breakfast, and then we prepared for 100. We had our own tent with floor in it and slept well. The air was so clean and cool. We had one day off each week. I'll never forget it.
Then I saw an ad in the paper. One Dr. Sonnenberg wanted a lady to live in and help the Mrs. who had three children ages three, five, and eight. The boy was eight and the two girls. I thought I might like to be with children once for a change. That was in 1952. I stayed there over a year from January 14, 1952 to January 30, 1953. I enjoyed the children. The Mrs. did the cooking and shopping and also helped with the work, but it was harder there. The wages were $125 a month and room and board. I had my own room, T.V., magazines and daily paper too. He was a Dr. so there was no social life. He was a baby doctor in El Monte. It was a hot place to live. A good gardener had a lovely lawn and flowers. The job was just too tiring.
So I answered another ad at Martin Zinnameyers. They had two children, a boy three and a girl one year. She just wanted me to do certain jobs. go over the house, but she did most. Did shopping. I cooked and fed the boys and myself. She cooked for the two and cared for the baby entirely. They wanted to eat alone. I washed dishes and put the boy to bed, amused him. Wasn't definite. I over lifted with the boy who was heavy and hurt my back. I went to the Dr. and she paid all the bills, and they took me home where I got okay. I wore a brace on my back for a long tine after.
I went to Nebraska almost every year for two weeks vacation. I just missed two tines out of twenty years I was in California.
In 1953 I answered an ad for a lady to live in and care for a blind lady who lived alone. She was very wealthy; she was the Jaughin family who had 63 oil wells pumping near Long Beach. She was English; her father owned the Isle of Mann near England. She never married because of her eyes. She took care of herself real well staying in bed until noon. She dressed and bathed herself and came to the table for meals when I rang the bell. She was a simple old lady. She had a table full of African violets that she could feel and love. She had lots of company, relatives. I just served a tray of my cookies and tea for company.
I enjoyed my stay there which was April 8, 1953 to May 1, 1954. We had the top half of a large duplex which she owned. I just filled in for a lady who had cared for Miss Jaughin for many years, but when her father was dying of cancer she left to care for him.
The two lived in a hotel room. She cooked for him on a two hole stove in their room; they had two rooms there. He suffered a lot. , It was thirteen months. After a good rest following her father's death she came back as I knew she would when I took the job.
I learned there that the wealthy have many problems in their lives and are more unhappy than the rest of us. A Mrs. Honshew rented the lower half of the duplex. She had one daughter who was an acholic. She put son in a Catholic Convent. Other one had a daughter who committed suicide. Boy never came home and one in a mental place.
The job paid $160 a month and live in. I lived among beautiful things, antiques and Spade china from England. It was a different experience for me. We used simpler things though. I cooked for a favorite nephew almost once a week. They were her favorites (probably inherited much). The boy loved artichokes so we always had those. It was a couple and two children. We used all our fancy table setting. I was younger and strong and could do it easily then. She was 80 then so is probably dead now. She had a chauffeur who came and took us for rides when called. We saw much pretty scenery. She couldn't see any but liked to get out of the house. She took me to the L.A. Rose Garden when they were in bloom.
Then I went to Nebraska again and took a long vacation.
I had a dear friend, Alma, who went to our Alhambra church. Her daughter and family were members; it was the Alhambra Lutheran Church. She told me about a neighbor and best friend of her boss, Mr. Caward and wife. She said a lady had lost her husband and didn't want to live alone. She told me all about her and the probable duties there; so I applied for the job. It sounded as though I would like it and do the job. It was for Mrs. Elise Wasmer.
Now Alma and I lived so close-not even a fence between as the lawns ran together. Mrs. Wasmer proved to be so nice, kind, thoughtful of me; she wanted a companion mostly. We watched T.V. together, read all the daily papers and magazines. She hired a cleaning lady and sent the Landry out. I just washed mine and sometimes her very good items. For noon lunch we just ate at sink, no fuse. Breakfast was non-fattening in the kitchen. I cooked us one big meal at six which we ate in dining room. We had very good food. The work was easy and I had my own bath, private phone and T.V. The first years she had very few over.
The last year or so she dated a man, John Dragonetti; so then we had him for supper often. He was a double for Dean Martin in appearance-Italian. He was a simple man in tastes. On Sunday eve John usually made his good spaghetti dinner. He served me also if I got back in time. He slow-cooked the goop for hours and it was good.
I started to work there in May 1954 and was very happy there. I felt at home. Alma and I saw each other daily some way. After lunch we rested a few hours and were at each other's places. She had a lovely home and I could use the rooms also. Enjoyed dusting once a week. Elise took me to my church on Sunday. It was on her way to hers. Sunday was my day off. I usually went home or with a few of the church ladies who ate out together every Sunday-Dutch treat. Then Mary Bales took us all home.
While I was with Elise Wasmer I often spent my Sundays with my mother in AIhambra. We had many plans for our life after I retired or got my Social Security. I took it at age 62. On March first of 1957 I moved in with Mother. We got along so well, were really happy.
But soon learned she had cancer of the bladder. It is one of the most painful of cancers. Our plans were all destroyed. The first months were not so bad. She took medication. But the last six weeks were so painful. I cared for her until she died. The last part in a hospital bed in her room. She took pure morphine pills every four hours. Our religion helped us thru. In times like this God is our only help. But she didn't have to have hypos. She passed away on June 4, age 85 years. She is buried in Forest Lawn California beside Dad. She just died so peacefully. I held her hand; she slipped away without a struggle. Lillian was with me that evening.
She was a wonderful mother, so unselfish, kind, loving, helpful whenever she could be of help. She always looked on the bright side. She was an example and inspiration, a good Christian mother.
When Martin was left alone with his three boys, he came for me to live with them. I told Mrs. Wasmer, and she let me go there. I stayed there until he and Betty married. It was over a year and I cooked and tried to make it home like for them.
After a while I phoned Mrs. Wasmer and told her I wasn't needed there any more and could come back if she still wanted me to. She said, "Yes, come". So Mart moved me back there. I was there until I had two disks slip in my back which was a long time later.
On September 20, 1961 Mrs. Wasmer took me to an osteopath for six treatments which did no good. She took me to Dr. Cox who referred me to Dr. Pheasant in L.A. He told me what to do, and I followed his advice which was to go to Bloomfield. I was to go by jet to be with my girls and follow his way of treatment. I had to be flat on by back for six months, do exercises and diet. It worked. I was at Marge's for four months and with Ruby two months. The girls were so good to me and that also helped me get well. Marge and Lyle especially since Ruby had her job also.
Ruby said I could buy a trailer and move it into her back yard. That was what I had hoped for. So I called Lloyd Schrader and looked at his trailers, bought one; and he put it in place in Ruby's yard. I moved in May 30, 1964. It was just what I wanted; loved it. I paid cash, all the wages I earned. I bought a few more items like a desk and a chair. The girl's gave me a canister set. some dishes. I bought an eight piece set of dishes though and I had my own silverware. Later I bought a recliner for $69.00 at Wards and I love it.
It's so nice to be close to the store and the Post Office. It is not expensive for lawn mowing or snow shoveling either. The girls are so good about taking me to church and to other places. They and all their descendants include me in their celebrations and get-to-gethers. It is so nice to be back where I was born and where I grew up and was confirmed, graduated,, and married. It's home to me. I have some good friends and know many, but most of my old friends have passed away. There are not many of my age left now. I am 82+ and am quite well and can get along alone nicely. I tire easily though and like to use my cane.
Due to living in California for 20 years I have seen a lot of the United States west of the Missouri River. I saw Texas, Kansas, South and North Dakota, and Pipestone, Minnesota. I saw California from south to north to Oregon where I spent about three weeks. I saw Washington state around the bay, Puget Sound, where Aberdeen is located. I went by boat to Canada. It was a British boat and they served such a good dinner at noon. I had a real British waiter who gave very good service. It was a pleasure to sit in soft chairs and look out of the big windows at the passing scenes along the way. It was a long, slow boat ride and a very big ship. They could drive cars into the hold of the ship and use them on roads in Canada. Lois and I ate on the very top that eve with sea gulls flying all around us. There were two levels and the third was open air where we ate; I loved it. Ed got tickets for us two, Mother's Day gift. He took us to the place where we could embark before he went to work. Then at night the boat landed in a beautiful bay and we saw all the twinkling lights around the bay in colors. It sloped upwards. What a sight Ed and the girls ware there to get us about 10 p.m. That was the day we took a bus to the most beautiful sights I ever saw. It was spring in Butchert Gardens. It was tulip time with large plots of individual colors of tulips. All below and thick were forget-me-nots. Then many other flowers in bloom. The roses were budded only. They had many climbers there. You have to see it to believe it. We saw many homes there of wealthy Britons which had English gardens cared for by gardeners. We saw horse chestnut trees in bloom and Japanese cherry trees in different colors. It was so pretty. The bus took us around the bay to show us all these. Then back to the boat at just dusk. What a lovely trip, twenty miles or so. Just Lois and I. She had a lame ankle and I felt sorry for her to walk on it all day. She had missed a step going in or out of a church and sprained her ankle. I will never forget that day. The scenery was lovely along the road and curves. The trees were so green and so many kinds of cedar trees, eight at least.
Another trip Ed and family took me on was to Snowqualimee Falls. It had snowed the night before, and it was beautiful scenery with snow on all those green cedar trees. It was high altitude. We had a nice trip home where we had tacos and root beer for supper.
Another nice trip was a long day drive to the ocean over three bridges to Cliff House where seals bark and live. We saw the gift shop there especially in the basement. There were many museum pieces, very old modes of transportation, old musical instruments, so much to see. We took our dinner and ate it looking at the ocean. There was a battleship there, part of it burred, with plaque and flag. It honored the Sullivan brothers who lost their lives in war. Four brothers on one ship that sank. We had a very nice ride home seeing the mountains in the distance with snow on top.
JUNE 1978
I will relate the most important items that happened last year. Paul, Roselynn, and Cheryl came for a visit. It is always so good to see children come home. Akersons also came to visit; they brought the two youngest along. They didn't stay too long but enjoyed them so. Martin and Betty came the year before. We had such a good visit. They saw most of the relatives at their homes. They drove to La Mars to see Jane just before Jane had her first surgery. All felt so sorry that Jane had cancer also.
I had a good winter health wise but in February got arthritis. I was over it pretty well for my birthday, March 23. It was my 83rd. Ruby and Marge gave me a birthday party at Ruby's home. Fourteen ladies came for cards and a nice lunch. We had two nice cake. made by the two girls. The children were so generous and I received fourteen small gifts from the ladies. Then Rose came for a visit. Only a week but we surely enjoyed it. She took a tour on the Greyhound bus to Yankton.
About this time I got; pneumonia. As usual it settled in my lungs. I went to the hospital in Ysnkton for seven days. I took many tests, and they finally decided I had fluid on my lungs which they treated. It was painful from the infection. I went home. Elmer Thomassen came by with Joan and he told me to do breathing exercises. I did and they cleared my lunge. I felt real well again.
Then in May I got arthritis of the spine. I have curvature of the spine which pinched the nerves which went around the waist above the right hip and clear across the abdomen. It was very painful. I went to our Dr. who gave me pain pills to take every four hours day and night. The pain woke me up at night every four hours. I had this pain for seven weeks. It finally eased off gradually; I never had pain that long before. Now in July it's gone, such a blessing. I feel normal again.
I have fourteen grandchildren, eight boys and six girls. Four are still single and ten are married. I have 14 great grand children, seven girls and seven boys. They are so precious, all healthy and happy little ones. Oldest one is Joan Gillilian. Four live in California and rest around here.
I have five children and four-in-laws. I will tell some about each one and their families.
After graduation from high school MARGE taught school in the country for five years. At Luther League she started going with another leaguer, Lyle Schrader. After a year or more they were married on June 20, 1937. They rented a farm after their first year when Lyle worked for wages. Then they moved to a Jesson farm eight miles northwest of town. Later they bought it and lived there ever since.
They have two children, Dianne and Dennis. Dianne graduated from Immanuel School of Nursing and has her B.S.N. from the university of Nebraska at Omaha. She was a nurse in Omaha until she married Owen Picton. He works at Mutual of Omaha as a computer system. analyst. They own a farm three miles south of Blair with a lovely home. They have two nice healthy boys, David and Stephen born in 1965 and 1970. They have a nice large lawn, garden, fruit and Christmas trees. They enjoy traveling and have been to Europe, Mexico, and Hawaii.
Dennis graduated from high school, and married Peggy Eckman in August 1968. They have a farm five miles from Lindy and made lots of improvements to the house and yards. They added many buildings. They raise hogs, cattle, and feeder pigs. Peggy helps with the farming operation and has a garden also. Dennis farms many acres with big machines and works very hard. He has many dry years and poor crops in his young life. They have no children. Dennis hunts big game once a year.
After the war PAUL went to Wayne College on G.I. insurance and got his Master's degree all but the thesis. Then he taught school near Modesto, California. He taught every year until June 14, 1977 when he retired. He was President of the State Teacher's Association twice. He now gets a teacher's retirement benefit beside his Social Security.
On December 18, 1949 he and Roselynn Keltner were married. It was a beautiful wedding. I went with Lois who was a bridesmaid. It was in the College Chapel at Stats Teachers College-Sacramento. Both taught school many years and still did until Paul retired in 1977. They own a lovely home in Modesto.
They have two children, David and Cheryl. David was born November 19, 1951. He was a super student and graduated from Stanford University with a Master's Degree, cum laude. He married Evonne Lovaas on July 15, 1972. I went to their beautiful wedding. Now they bought a home in San Jose to be near his job.
Cheryl was born October 9, 1953 in Modesto. She was a beautiful little girl. She graduated from College in Riverside, California and then for post graduate work in languages she went to Bloomington, Indiana.
Paul did have two heart attacks and was a very sick man; but believe he is okay again. Hope he has many more years ahead. He gave us all a big scare. He lives with a pacemaker now. He has to take it easy for a while.
RUBY, my number three child, taught school for four years, two years west of Bloomfield and two years near Wausa. She met and married Richard Greenwall. They owned a farm west and south of town. Their wedding was June 2, 1940 in our church. Rev. Rhode preached it , and it was a very hot day. The reception was in the old parish hall south of the church.
Rick and Ruby farmed about 14 miles southwest of town and were very happy. They had three children, Barbara, Ron, and Beverly.
Rick got cancer of the lungs and passed away at age 44, Ruby was 37 So sad. Ruby farmed two years alone; neighbors did all the field work. Ron raised hogs. Then she had a sale of machinery and all. She bought a house south of the library where she still lives. She got a job as a clerk in the Drug Store and worked full time until 1976, now she works half time.
Barbara was born November 15, 1941. She graduated from Immanuel School of Nursing in Omaha. She married Eugene Gillilan on August 19, 1962. They bought a farm four miles north of Wausa. She always worked, first as a nurse in the Osmond Hospital and then as an R.N. in the Wausa Rest home. They have three children, Joan, Jodi, and Kenneth.
Ron was born February 28, 1944 just l and half hours before leap year. He graduated from Kearney State College. He taught school and coached at Lakeview north of Columbus. He was married to Cheryl Irish on December 21, 1968. Ruby and I went and that day and night was a bad blizzard and we just made it home. Gene took us home.
They bought eleven acres and all the buildings of a large farm. He still teaches, but has another kind of work. Me owns bee hives and puts them out on farms. He has the set -up to extract the honey and barrels to put it in.
They have three children, Richard or Ricky, 7, Paula, 4, and Clinton born in 1978.
Beverly was the youngest child born on July 5, 1950 in Osmond Hospital. I was there four days with the rest at home while Ruby was in the hospital. She weighed nine pounds. She has a good voice, went to Princeton one term and studied voice.
Beverly taught school at Royal and Creighton Nebr. She met and married Charles DeWall on August 21, 1971. They now live in Watertown, S.D. where Chas is music director for the high school.
They have two daughters, Erica and Nichols who was born May 13, 1978.
MARTIN although too young, only 19, got married to Gladys Johnson who was 17. They rented a farm near Verdigre, Ne. and lived there a few years. It was a poor farm; and they didn't do very well. They moved several times. The last place was in partnership with Ernst Johnson his father-in-law. That didn't work either so they moved to Glendora, California. They had three sons by them, Merle 8, Lynn 6, and Milo 3. They drove in a car but had a moving van move their belongings. They rented a house. Mart got a job at once and was never without one since.
Gladys and Mart were divorced. That left Mart alone with his boys. He tried very hard to be mother and wage earner. So I left my job and kept house there for 13 or 14 months. It was a bad time for all of us. It was sad to go through a divorce.
On the way to work Mart picked up a neighbor who also worked so they could save gas. Later Betty Brown and Mart were married and Betty, her daughter, Betty June, and boys moved in. Betty has six children of her own and Mart has three. They are all on their own now. They have many grandchildren between them-30 some. They both work and seem to get along well. Think it is best for both of them. Mart and Betty own a nice home, both have cars, and he enjoys his backyard. Is a flower-lover like I am.
Marts boys all live close. Merle lives the farthest at Hesperia, Ca. He is married and has one daughter, Lisa, and three sons.
Lynn and his wife live a few block from Martin. His back is bad and many jobs he can't do. She works and they have no children.
Milo is still single. He is a mailman and earns well. He also buys and sells houses. He lives in one and rents the rest.
My youngest daughter, LOIS, went to Pasadena College for two years after high school. She lived with my sister and husband, Volena and Jack. Then she worked in the Carnation Milk Co. In the office for two years. It was a good job. At night she took the bus to Mother's where she paid Mother for her room and board.
While there she met Ed. Akerson at a dance. That led to marriage and moving to Oakland and then on to Washington state at Aberdeen. They have one son, Eric who is married and three girls, Carol, Donna, and Paula. Lois and Ed own their own large, comfortable house in Aberdeen. Both work, Lois in an office.
Their girls are grown and through college. Carol is a C.P.A. and is on her own. Donna passed her State Exam to be a beauty operator and worked at it in vacation and at her college. Paula will finish college soon.
I have five children and four in-laws living. So in all, counting the in-laws, there are 48 decedents with two others expected. If others live I'll have just 50. They are my pride and joy and it would be a lonely old age without them.
I walk with a cane which gives me confidence and helps my back. I can't do any yard work to speak of as dearly as I love it. I enjoy flowers so much and even raised "Kentucky Wonder" beans which vined up the trellis to the roof of the garage. They supplied us two (Ruby and myself) with beans.
I still play cards about every two weeks. The girls take me to church, circle meetings, funerals, weddings in the family and birthdays at family homes. My children have been so good to me. It is my sincere wish that there will be no ill feeling in my large family; that they love each other.
I have lived a long and useful life, 83 years now, it had its ups and downs, but it has been a happy, rewarding life. I had our Lord's blessing and help all the way. So glad I could live in my little home for fourteen years now alone. Be independent yet near the children here.
I will close with Tennsson's poem, "Crossing the Bar"
Sunset and evening star,
And one clear call for me
And may there be no Moaning of the bar,
When I put out to Sea,
But such a tide as moving seems asleep,
Too full for sound and foam,
When that which drew from out the boundless deep
Turns again home.
Twilight and evening bell,
And after that the dark
And may there be no sadness of farewell,
When I embark;
For though from out our bourne of Time and Place
The flood may bear as far,
I hops to see my Pilot face to face
When I have crossed the bar.
With all my love,
Anna Cook
If you like this diary, would you consider making a donation to a church or religious affiliated non profit institution or if unable, then to a Space Exploration through a Foundation or other non profit institution. Do this in the memory of Anna Cook.
This document was edited and typed by Dianne Picton
Contact person for this document is:
Owen Picton
451 S 16th St, Apt 116
Blair, Nebraska 68008
(402) 944-2456 / Cell: (402) 686-0663 / (402) 426-5876>
Last Modified June 2009
© 1977-2009 Owen Picton
This site designed and maintained by Owen Picton.