The Family Tree


Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Picton

Their Family

and Descendants

1825 - 1976

Green Book

Stephen Picton was born in 1825 and this Green Book was printed by Owen Picton in 1976. This green book reports who are the descendants of the Stephen Picton family. We descend from the PICTON family, of the NORTHERN BRANCH. DNA proves all tested Picton branches from Pembrokeshire, Wales descends from the same Picton male. Realize that 1976 was before the age of personal computers, the internet or smart phones. I had no computer genealogy software. This Green Book was typed on a manual none electric typewriter. The month and day online is blank in birth and marriage dates for living people listed in online Green Book descendants list. A lot of my source transfer locations outside this website, have changed over time, do not work and require you to redetermine or find the new address.

Table of Contents


Green Book

Online Index

Please click Under-Lined items to select:

Pages 5-6 Introduction

Pages 11-50, 97-137 Descendants of Stephen and Eliza Picton- Updated genealogy since making the Green Family Tree Book

Pages 2-3, 56-66, 85-95 Pictures

Pages 148-149 Picture Index

Page 51 Hatch's to Alaska - for gold

Pages 53-54 Wales and USA Census Research - and Link to Information

Pages 138-143 Sources of Information for Stephen Picton - and other Information Sources

Owen Picton

451 16th St. Apt #116

Blair, Nebraska 68008


Owen Picton Cell (402) 944-2456 / David Picton Cell: (402) 686-0663 / Cindy Picton Cell (402) 426-5876

E-Mail to Owen Picton

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Last Modified October 2020

© 1976-2021 Owen Picton

This site designed and maintained by Owen Picton.