Jacob Roesch Family Picture in group by building
Jacob Roesch Family Picture in group by building
Jacob Roesch and Children
Jacob Roesch and Children
pictures with #'s are
pictures with #'s are
1 = Henry Roesch my grand father
1 = Henry Roesch my grand father
2 = Jacob Roesch my great grand father
2 = Jacob Roesch my great grand father
3 = Aunt Lena Huettner (one of the twins)
3 = Aunt Lena Huettner (one of the twins)
4 = Aunt Lydia Grossoehmig (other twin)
4 = Aunt Lydia Grossoehmig (other twin)
5 = Aunt Annie (Roesch) Jensen
5 = Aunt Annie (Roesch) Jensen
Jacob Roesch
Jacob Roesch
Number 2
Number 2
Henry Roesch
Henry Roesch
Number 1
Number 1
Roesch Twins
Roesch Twins
(L to R) Lena (Roesch) Huettner and Lydia (Roesch) Grossoehmig
(L to R) Lena (Roesch) Huettner and Lydia (Roesch) Grossoehmig
Last Modified October 2009
This site designed and maintained by Owen Picton.