Allan Tubach
Owen Picton
My Brother-in-law
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Allan Tubach has four prints or paintings listed at the Nebraska History Museum, 131 Centennial Mall N, Lincoln, NE, 68508 USA Phone:402-471-4782 You can click on the four listed below items or you can go to the museum webpage, then go to "Collections Search", then go to select "keyword search"; then enter 'tubach" and hit search. Three Tubach prints or paintings are listed and a picture is shown of each. The fourth Tubach item is not currently listed.
Click on each below item for more details and pictures.
10768-52 This Tubach item is not currently listed when you do a search for Tubach but is there.
Record Type: Object
capital dome painted by Allan Tubach. There is also a blue and gold seal of Nebraska. Notecards, in Blue Folder; Pictures "Capitol Seasons" Painting by Allan Tubach
Record Type: Object
A print by Allan Tubach, Reverse Describes Painting and Artist. The print of the Painting "Capitol
Record Type: Object
Cover Features "Capitol Seasons" by Allan Tubach; Booklet Distributed by the Nebraska Arts Council Booklet, Nebraska Arts Cuncil 1965-2000; Cover Features "Capitol Seasons" by Allan Tubach
Record Type: Object
Owen Picton
451 16th Street, #116
Blair, Nebraska 68008
Cell: (402) 944-2456 / (402) 426-5876
Last Modified September 2021
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