
1839 Tithe Map for Whitechurch in Kemes

1838 Tithe Map for Ysgorddaigoed

1838 Tithe Map for Llanginning (LLangynin)

1839 Tithe Map for Williamston (Enlarged)

Below information researched and provided by

Brian Picton Swann

Tithe Maps and the associated Schedules were made for all parishes in England and Wales as a result of the Tithe Commutation Act of 1836. Three copies were made: one for the local parish, one for the (Arch)bishop and one for the Church Commissioners in London. The Bishop's copies are usually now found in the County Record Offices, and the Church Commissioners copies are at the TNA [The National Archives, formerly the Public Record Office (PRO) at Kew]. The documents at Kew are now found under the records of the Inland Revenue (IR) and form Class IR 29 (Schedules) and Class IR 30 (Tithe Maps). The further sub-reference numbers to each parish are the same for both Classes. Thus the Schedule for Whitechurch in Kemes is IR 29/54/136 and the associated Tithe Map is IR 30/54/136. The number 54 covers the whole of the maps deposited for Pembrokeshire, and the parishes are then numbered alphabetically. Whitechurch, beginning with “W” is near the end with number 136.

The Tithe Schedule was made first and lists the owner, occupier and area of each piece of land in the parish when the Schedule was compiled. The area was given in acres, roods and perches (40 perches = 1 rood; 4 roods = 1 acre).

For Whitechurch in Kemes this Schedule was completed by 21 March 1839. A surveyor was then chosen to map out and make the Tithe Map to accompany the Schedule. This process could take a number of years - there were not large numbers of surveyors in England and Wales capable of performing the work to the appropriate standard, and their services were in high demand, as many parishes were requiring Tithe Maps at around the same time. The information on the Tithe Map copy at the TNA shows the surveyor for Whitechurch was Owen Lloyd, Land Surveyor of Cardigan. He performed the work in 1841 and the map was signed off by the local County Representatives of Pembrokeshire on 13 April 1842. The map was stamped at the Church Commissioners offices on 8 August 1842. In this case there is at least a two year gap between compilation of the Schedule and of the associated Tithe Map.

The Tithe Map was surveyed at a scale of 8 chains to the inch. As 1 chain = 22 yards, 8 chains is 176 yards. With 1 mile comprising 1760 yards, this gives a scale of 10 inches to the mile. Modern Ordnance Survey maps of England and Wales are at the scale of 1 inch to 1 mile - so this gives an idea of the level of detail available on these maps. Often the maps are coloured to show rivers, woodland and to differentiate buildings inhabited from farm and other buildings. Unfortunately this is not the case for Whitechurch, although there are symbols showing woodland in black and white. The parish church of Whitechurch is on the far right of the map and the Prescelli Hills are on the far left. Some of the places of interest are marked in yellow highlighter. To shrink the copy to a size that the scanner will accept reduces the size in the ratio 1.41 to 1. So, 7.14 inches to the mile.

The Tithe Map for Whitechurch in the TNA, under reference IR 30/54/136 and the accompanying Schedule under IR 29/54/136, shows John Picton as the occupier of both Tyrbwlch and Maesgwynne when the Schedule was made on 21 March 1839. Examination of the 1841 Census return would also be useful. Note: Stephen Morris was the occupier at Tycanol in 1839, there are mentions of Morris in connection with Pictons at Whitechurch for about 100 years. On the map, Maesgwynne is above and a little bit to the right of Penygroes Meeting Ho.

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Click on this line to view the 1839 Tithe Map for Whitechurch in Kemes

The following fields with their acreages comprised Tyr y bwlch in the 1839 Tithe Schedule, giving a total area of the farm of just over 30 acres. This produced an annual rent charge of £2:10s:3d. As John Picton was a tenant farmer, the records of the farm should belong with Elizabeth Bowen, as the landowner, and she needs to be identified.

Data for TyrBwlch Farm Schedule.

The corresponding field data for Maesgwyn farm in the same Tithe Schedule are as follows. The land of Maesgwyn farm practically encircles Penygroes Chapel, so John Picton almost could not fail to be nonconformist.

This area in the 1839 Tithe Map is in precise agreement with the figure given in the 1871 Census of Maesgwyn. Maesgwyn was owned by Thomas Lloyd, who is described in the Schedule as Lord of the Manor. Again he should be identified to see if any further records survive.

1838 Tithe Map for Ysgorddaigoed (Ysgairddaugoed)

Below picture taken by Dean A. Picton

1838_Tithe_Ysgorddaigoed (Ysgairddaugoed)

First find Ysgorddaigoed Farm. This is all in the parish of Llanwinio. But you also need to focus also on plots 1606 and especially 1607 just to the right and below the farm. These lie on the boundary between Llanwinio and Llanboidy parishes, on a stream – and No. 1607 is Monk Mill – where Jacob Picton and his family were living from at least 1848, and continued in the hands of the Picton family until the 1880s. Stephen Picton left here, of course, after his marriage to Eliza Rees – who lived at Ysgorddaigoed Farm – and they moved soon afterwards to Gorse Gandrill in the parish of St. Clears.

1838 Tithe Map for Llanginning (LLangynin)

Below picture taken by Dean A. Picton

1838 Tithe Llanginning (LLangynin)

Stephen Picton then moved from Gorse Gandrill in the parish of St. Clears to Troedyrhiw Farm in the parish of Llanginning [Llangynin]. Troedyrhiw Farmhouse is No. 368 on this map – and if you read the account of Picton of Whitechurch and Trelech, I detail all the neighbouring fields which make up the farmstead and fields on the Tithe Map. This was, of course, where Stephen and Eliza Rees lived from about 1866 until they left for Kansas in 1870.

1839 Tithe Map for Williamston (Enlarged)

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Last Modified February 2012

This site designed and maintained by Owen Picton.