Translation from Welsh
Rev. Thomas Picton letter from America to T. Picton
Nov. 18, 1813
With great please, I received your long letter dated July , 13, 1812 and the 28th of the following October and thank you heartily for the intelligence it contained and was the first, I ever received from you. I was both surprised and much pleased. I have been unable to answer until now on account of the war in which the country is unhappily engaged with Great Britain. My friend David John formerly of Tillnwrdan?? having kindly offered to embrace the earliest opportunity forwarding a letter to you by the way of Spain or Portugal. I gladly avail myself of it. Through the kindness of Providence, we as a family, have been for several years blest with a comfortable health, our two little children are growing up fast. The little boy, was yesterday nine years old and just entered his Latin grammar and the little girl too made exceedingly. She is ten years old since August - more than she has ???able well in the bible.
My situation is now quite comfortable. The congregation have built me a good dwelling house which cost them fifteen hundred dollars because all the articles of living are so much higher this year, than usual. They have last week presented me firewood sufficient to last me a year. The war has produced a great advance in price of almost everything. Not only the imported articles but with the production of our own soil are much higher than I ever knew them. In the neighborhood, hay is selling at 6 sterling, and bushel 32 quarts of Indian corn ---, 6 bushel, buckwheat at ----, wheat about ---- and tea, sugar, coffee, French Brandy, flannel cloth, are high. We have plenty of grain in the country. The reason of this being so high is because the immense qualities are exported to Spain or Portugal. extent on three acres of my little farm. I, have raised this summer 130 bushels of Indian corn half of which is mine and the other half of which went to the man who has tilled it as his pay for his trouble in plowing, planting, sowing it. You ask me what prospects this country would hold out to a person in your situation. I wish it were in my power to give satisfactory answer. Dr. John Filinwrdar told me that 4 weeks ago, that he gets 20 dollars a month for tending a shop in addition to this, I can only inform you in general, that I, always do and still believe this to be good country, holding great encouragement to the labor and industries. Some are unfortunate in that is the case in all countries. The war also has boot??? the channels of trade their usual course. Large manufactures of woolen cotton cloths, gunpowder that are now established in almost every part of the country least you be disappointed, I will say nothing to urge your opinion to America but if you should chance come, I shall be happy to see you and do everything in my power for you. My own opinion is that you would probably do well. If you should not be pleased with the country, it will be in your power at any time to return and perhaps I might be so situated as to accompany you with my little John on a visit to our dear friends in Sir Benfro. Until peace between America and England shall have been concluded neither of us can expect to execute our plans. Presently we do not see much prospect of it. Arms have lately been very successful on Lake Erie and in upper Canada. If the war should be continued, I expect that the whole of both the Canada will be ours as for the middle of next July and the English completely driven from that part in this Continent. I believe on determined not to give up the contest until our dreams shall be safe from interference. I have three brothers in law in the service of the United States, one a lieutenant in the army, one a purser?? in the navy and the younger is a midshipman Commodore Dictator on board the Frigate United States.
I assure you the little fellow appeared to be quite pleased when the Mesodenian was brought into port he was in the engagement providence, shall be preserved unhurt, I was on board both of the frigates a few days after they got into ??? New York port. I could not but be astonished to see the amazing difference between the condition of the two ships. The Mesodenian being cut to pieces and the United States very little injured. The Mascedenia is a beautiful ship, the first in his majesty as frigates that I ever had the pleasure of boarding.
Beside this letter, I wrote last evening - a letter to my dear friend George Griffiths Glabdwr. I mentioned to him in my letter that I had endeavored to send him a book. I am however very doubtful possible to get a way of ??ing it adr. you accounted with a large -- in London, Liverpool, or Bristol to whose care I can get forwarded a little package for my dear sisters. If you can let me know the necessary directions I have lately understood. Ewithr. Thomas and Philipps. I will be doing well - tell my friends at Filinwrdr that David ???? but like myself.
Give my best love to my Father Mother and Sister space great affection with much gratitude for all the favors I have received from them. Mr P. and the children can be with me in sending their love to my ????? sisters Jan three little cousins in Wales. My wishes to my uncle and aunt Tygwyrni and children and grand children to Uncle John of the Valley and Tyrget. And Philip Maurice and aunt ap Maesgwyn Stephen of Gryda Got-Pncnwch welsh-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
Three lines welsh write another long letter as soon as you can to
your affectionate Cousin Thomas Picton.
Westfield - Nov. 18th, 1813
Last Modified Frebruary 2012
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