List of 25 Family Surnames
List of 25 Family Surnames
Who are
Who are
Andersson(Lindqvist)(628341), Angell(368552), Becker(25366), Browne(409300), Burgess(35011), Clark(B9236), Clarke(68995), Croft(464544), Forrest(227594), Franklin/Carter(N5900), Gordon(N116656), Hallatt(131142), Hallett/Snow(B238754), Johnson(863224), Mansure(875575) Nichols(369019), Reader(153980), Richards(88228), Try(490251), Turner/Thomas(N39678), Vinter(109845), Ward(328873), Warman(289913) White(298100), Picton(113151) and Owen Picton(N20541). We are all related and have a common R-L493 ancestor who lived about 110 AD (466 BC - 583 AD).
Andersson(Lindqvist)(628341), Angell(368552), Becker(25366), Browne(409300), Burgess(35011), Clark(B9236), Clarke(68995), Croft(464544), Forrest(227594), Franklin/Carter(N5900), Gordon(N116656), Hallatt(131142), Hallett/Snow(B238754), Johnson(863224), Mansure(875575) Nichols(369019), Reader(153980), Richards(88228), Try(490251), Turner/Thomas(N39678), Vinter(109845), Ward(328873), Warman(289913) White(298100), Picton(113151) and Owen Picton(N20541). We are all related and have a common R-L493 ancestor who lived about 110 AD (466 BC - 583 AD).
My attempt to tie all SNP L493 names togethRichards (er resulted in my making a list of possible family origins of those who have SNP L493. Please let me know if you see changes or corrections. Do you see any possible pattern? More of these families than indicated my have there origin in Normandy.
My attempt to tie all SNP L493 names togethRichards (er resulted in my making a list of possible family origins of those who have SNP L493. Please let me know if you see changes or corrections. Do you see any possible pattern? More of these families than indicated my have there origin in Normandy.
Angell may be derived from an occupation name for someone who was a messenger of God.
Angell may be derived from an occupation name for someone who was a messenger of God.
Becker may mean one who lives by a brook.
Becker may mean one who lives by a brook.
Browne may be derived from the color brown.
Browne may be derived from the color brown.
Burgess may mean inhabitant of a fortified town.
Burgess may mean inhabitant of a fortified town.
Clark and Clarke my be derived from an occupation of clerk.
Clark and Clarke my be derived from an occupation of clerk.
Croft may mean that the family lived in an area of arable land, at or near the farmers house.
Croft may mean that the family lived in an area of arable land, at or near the farmers house.
Forrest may mean one who lives in a forrest.
Forrest may mean one who lives in a forrest.
Franklin/Carter may mean the rank of a person maybe meaning gentleman.
Franklin/Carter may mean the rank of a person maybe meaning gentleman.
Gordon may be Norman and may be derived from a place called Gordon meaning spacious town.
Gordon may be Norman and may be derived from a place called Gordon meaning spacious town.
Nichols may be Norman and may be derived from a meaning to conquer people.
Nichols may be Norman and may be derived from a meaning to conquer people.
Picton origin believed immigrate to Wales. Pic may be derived from a name, location or word for fish. The ton of Picton may derive from a word for town.
Picton origin believed immigrate to Wales. Pic may be derived from a name, location or word for fish. The ton of Picton may derive from a word for town.
Reader may mean one whose occupation is a thatcher or one who thatches with reed.
Reader may mean one whose occupation is a thatcher or one who thatches with reed.
Try may be of a name similar to Try for a pre-existing name for the town or farmstead.
Try may be of a name similar to Try for a pre-existing name for the town or farmstead.
Turner may be the occupation of one who makes objects from wood by turning on a lathe.
Turner may be the occupation of one who makes objects from wood by turning on a lathe.
Vinter origin is unknown.
Vinter origin is unknown.
Ward family came from Normandy and the name derived from ward meaning guardian or watchman.
Ward family came from Normandy and the name derived from ward meaning guardian or watchman.
White family may have come from the Le Blancs family name in Normandy.
White family may have come from the Le Blancs family name in Normandy.
The earliest known origin of each of these families are mostly in the United Kingdom. The experts currently say that British Y-DNA testers are much greater represented than the rest of Europe by a factor of about 10 to 1. Maybe this means the R-L493 origin is either English, Norman, Flemish or Viking.
The earliest known origin of each of these families are mostly in the United Kingdom. The experts currently say that British Y-DNA testers are much greater represented than the rest of Europe by a factor of about 10 to 1. Maybe this means the R-L493 origin is either English, Norman, Flemish or Viking.
Possible Picton Surname and Family Origin The below chart was made from what I previously found using the R-U106 STR Listings, click on STR Listings go to page 6 and down to L493.
Possible Picton Surname and Family Origin The below chart was made from what I previously found using the R-U106 STR Listings, click on STR Listings go to page 6 and down to L493.
Above L493 Chart using Family Tree DNA showing people with SNPs Z381>Z301>L48>L47>L44>L163>L46>L525>L45+
Above L493 Chart using Family Tree DNA showing people with SNPs Z381>Z301>L48>L47>L44>L163>L46>L525>L45+
Last Modified September 2021
This site designed and maintained by Owen Picton.