Newspaper Articles
Stephen Picton
1870 departure stories from Wales
Please click on above line to go to a website for a story of the Stephen Picton Family Immigration from Wales -
by Mrs. Lewis Morgan, 1957 (revised by Owen Picton)
Poor google translate of departure ceremony at Zion Chapel in Wales
ST . CLEARS . Migration to America. Not often that migration is that from here to America, and that, he is able to, because it is commonly considered to be the place here as well and the west country wide. Anyway, the brother Stephen Picton, formerly of Troedyrhiw near St . Clears the assumption that America, far better, and decided to leave - in, and now, if the ease, that more than half the way there. As he has been for many years a zealous member, a faithful deacon and elder Genu useful, Baptist, became WYD pendrfyniad to wneyd testimonial to him, as a mark of respect to him on his departure, and night Wednesday, 4th May, cynmaliwyd public meeting in the chapel of Zion, for the purpose of presenting it to him. By 7 o'clock, the crowd had come in multiple terms, and chymmerwad the chair by the Rev. D. Richards, the minister, who had delivered a short speech at the opening of the meeting, and erchymynodd to list the subscriptions to the testimonial was read, and he received the sum of £ 11:9 s given to the brother in alwar (a purse) beautifully made by the young lady Miss J. Bowen , daughter of Mr . J. Bowen , Merchant of this place, who is now staying in Cardiff and although he is absent from the body on the occasion of the presentation of the gift, yet he was present in spirit. The presentation ceremony was achieved expertly by Miss Anne Thomas, Llwyynpiod. Picton 's brother thanked warmly for the respect being shown to him, and there were several speeches lively Sunday school teachers and others at the meeting , and ended the prayer and singing verse canlynod .
Farewell , very dear friends,
Over momentarily techan us ' madawn,
Henffyck the day we meet again,
In Salem above oddentu'r board.
Below is a copy of the original Welsh article. The articles are digital copies in welsh on the national library of Wales web site from old Welsh Newspaper. This information supplied by Geraint Davies while searching editions of Seren Cymru ( since 1880 this paper has been owned and run by Baptist Union but prior to that was more of a national paper.) He states, there was a detailed article recording a service held in Seion to give Steven Picton and his family a big farewell . It mentions that he had been a member here since 1848, being a deacon and leading the singing. He left for Kansas and his family left a year later.
Seren Cymru, 20 May 1870
ST. CLEARS. Ymfudiad i America.—Nid yn aml y mae ymfudo yn bod o'r lle hwn i America, a hyny, fe ddichon, am y rheswm y bernir yn gyffredin fod y lle yma yn ogystal a gwlad eang y gorllewin. Fodd bynag, daeth y brawd Stephen Picton, gynt, o Troedyrhiw, ger St. Clears, i'r dybiaeth fod America, lawer yn well, a phenderfynodd ym-adael; ac erbyn hyn, os cafodd rwyddineb, y mae fwy nâ, hanner y ffordd yno. Gan ei fod wedi bod am amryw flynyddau yn aelod selog, yn ddiacon ffyddlon, ac yn flaenor cenu defnyddiol, gyda'r Bedyddwyr, daeth wyd i'r pendrfyniad i wneyd tysteb iddo, fel arwydd o barch tuag ato ar ei ymadawiad; a nos Fercher, Mai 4ydd, cynmaliwyd cyfarfod cyhoeddus yn nghapel Seion, i'r perwyl o'i chyflwyno iddo. Erbyn 7 o'r gloch, yr oedd tyrfa luosog wedi dyfod yn nghyd, a chymmerwad y gadair gan y Parch. D. Richards, y gweinidog, yr hwn, wedi agor y cyfarfod mewn araeth fer, a erchymynodd i list y tanysgrifiadau at y dysteb gael ei darllen; a chafodd y swm o £11:9s ei roddi i'r brawd mewn alwar (purse) hardd, o wneuthuriad y foneddiges ieuanc Miss J. Bowen, merch Mr. J. Bowen, Merchant, o'r lle hwn, yr hon sydd yn awr yn aros yn Nghaerdydd; ac er ei bod yn absenol yn y corff ar yr achlysur o gyflwyniad y rhodd, etto yr oedd yn bresenol yn yr ysbryd. Cyflawnwyd ceremony y cyflwyniad mewn modd deheuig gan Miss Anne Thomas, Llwyynpiod. Diolchodd y brawd Picton yn wresog am y parch a ddangosid iddo, a chafwyd amryw areithiau bywiog gan athrawon yr ysgol Sabbothol ac ereill yn ystod y cyfarfod; a diweddwyd drwy weddi a chanu y pennill canlynod.
Last Modified January 2014
This site designed and maintained by Owen Picton.